Dynamically Querying PickList for Standdard and Custom Field in Apex
You can refer below sample example in order to get an idea.
<apex:page Controller="DynamicPickListCtrl">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
<apex:pageblockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel value="SLA"/>
<apex:pageblockSectionItem >
<apex:selectList value="{!SLA}" size="1" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!slaOptiions}"/>
public class DynamicPickListCtrl {
public String SLA {
public DynamicPickListCtrl() {
public List < SelectOption > getslaOptiions() {
List < SelectOption > options = new List < SelectOption > ();
options.add(new selectOption('None', '--- None ---'));
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Account.SLA__c.getDescribe();
List < Schema.picklistEntry > ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for (Schema.picklistEntry f: ple) {
options.add(new selectOption(f.getLabel(), f.getValue()));
return Options;
I hope this will help you.
Generic Method for getting pick as List<String>
public static List < String > getPicklistValues(String ObjectApi_name, String Field_name) {
List < String > lstPickvals = new List < String > ();
Schema.SObjectType targetType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(ObjectApi_name); //From the Object Api name retrieving the SObject
Sobject Object_name = targetType.newSObject();
Schema.sObjectType sobject_type = Object_name.getSObjectType(); //grab the sobject that was passed
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult sobject_describe = sobject_type.getDescribe(); //describe the sobject
Map < String, Schema.SObjectField > field_map = sobject_describe.fields.getMap(); //get a map of fields for the passed sobject
List < Schema.PicklistEntry > pick_list_values = field_map.get(Field_name).getDescribe().getPickListValues(); //grab the list of picklist values for the passed field on the sobject
for (Schema.PicklistEntry a: pick_list_values) { //for all values in the picklist list
lstPickvals.add(a.getValue()); //add the value to our final list
return lstPickvals;
Generic Method for getting pick as List < SelectOption >
public static List < SelectOption > getPicklistValues(String ObjectApi_name, String Field_name) {
List < SelectOption > options = new List < SelectOption > ();
Schema.SObjectType targetType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(ObjectApi_name); //From the Object Api name retrieving the SObject
Sobject Object_name = targetType.newSObject();
Schema.sObjectType sobject_type = Object_name.getSObjectType(); //grab the sobject that was passed
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult sobject_describe = sobject_type.getDescribe(); //describe the sobject
Map < String, Schema.SObjectField > field_map = sobject_describe.fields.getMap(); //get a map of fields for the passed sobject
List < Schema.PicklistEntry > pick_list_values = field_map.get(Field_name).getDescribe().getPickListValues(); //grab the list of picklist values for the passed field on the sobject
for (Schema.PicklistEntry a: pick_list_values) { //for all values in the picklist list
options.add(new selectOption(a.getLabel(), a.getValue()));
return options;
I hope this will help you.
<apex:page Controller="DynamicPickListCtrl">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2">
<apex:pageblockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel value="SLA"/>
<apex:pageblockSectionItem >
<apex:selectList value="{!SLA}" size="1" >
<apex:selectOptions value="{!slaOptiions}"/>
public class DynamicPickListCtrl {
public String SLA {
public DynamicPickListCtrl() {
public List < SelectOption > getslaOptiions() {
List < SelectOption > options = new List < SelectOption > ();
options.add(new selectOption('None', '--- None ---'));
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Account.SLA__c.getDescribe();
List < Schema.picklistEntry > ple = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
for (Schema.picklistEntry f: ple) {
options.add(new selectOption(f.getLabel(), f.getValue()));
return Options;
I hope this will help you.
Generic Method for getting pick as List<String>
public static List < String > getPicklistValues(String ObjectApi_name, String Field_name) {
List < String > lstPickvals = new List < String > ();
Schema.SObjectType targetType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(ObjectApi_name); //From the Object Api name retrieving the SObject
Sobject Object_name = targetType.newSObject();
Schema.sObjectType sobject_type = Object_name.getSObjectType(); //grab the sobject that was passed
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult sobject_describe = sobject_type.getDescribe(); //describe the sobject
Map < String, Schema.SObjectField > field_map = sobject_describe.fields.getMap(); //get a map of fields for the passed sobject
List < Schema.PicklistEntry > pick_list_values = field_map.get(Field_name).getDescribe().getPickListValues(); //grab the list of picklist values for the passed field on the sobject
for (Schema.PicklistEntry a: pick_list_values) { //for all values in the picklist list
lstPickvals.add(a.getValue()); //add the value to our final list
return lstPickvals;
Generic Method for getting pick as List < SelectOption >
public static List < SelectOption > getPicklistValues(String ObjectApi_name, String Field_name) {
List < SelectOption > options = new List < SelectOption > ();
Schema.SObjectType targetType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(ObjectApi_name); //From the Object Api name retrieving the SObject
Sobject Object_name = targetType.newSObject();
Schema.sObjectType sobject_type = Object_name.getSObjectType(); //grab the sobject that was passed
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult sobject_describe = sobject_type.getDescribe(); //describe the sobject
Map < String, Schema.SObjectField > field_map = sobject_describe.fields.getMap(); //get a map of fields for the passed sobject
List < Schema.PicklistEntry > pick_list_values = field_map.get(Field_name).getDescribe().getPickListValues(); //grab the list of picklist values for the passed field on the sobject
for (Schema.PicklistEntry a: pick_list_values) { //for all values in the picklist list
options.add(new selectOption(a.getLabel(), a.getValue()));
return options;
I hope this will help you.
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