AJAX Toolkit Debug Shell
You want to browse through the fields, attributes, and relationships of every object in your Salesforce.com organization. There are lots of ways to do this. But I feel productive when I use Ajax Toolkit Debug Shell. To navigate to the Ajax Toolkit Debug shell you please follow the below steps.
Step 1: You need to navigate to below URL depending on your environments.
Sandbox: https://test.salesforce.com/soap/ajax/15.0/debugshell.html
Production: https:/login.salesforce.com/soap/ajax/15.0/debugshell.html
Developer: https:/login.salesforce.com/soap/ajax/15.0/debugshell.html
Step 2: if it asks you to login then please execute below the line with your credentials.
sforce.connection.login("MyName@myISP.com", "myPassword")
Step3: To query field of Account, please fire below query.
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